Of course, everything that is alive is animated by the same life force, including animals. Today I was watching our cat Trinity sleep. She was so adorable to watch because she sleeps in the most peculiar positions, sometimes even on her back her four legs in the air. Sometimes when I walk by, even in the most hectic times, I can’t resist but stop and cuddle with her a little. Yet, why does it make us humans so happy to play with our pets or to watch animals in nature? Why would even I, who had her troubles getting adjusted to having a furry friend living in her house wouldn’t want to miss her anymore – despite her meowing in the early wee-hours, despite the vet bills and the increased carpet cleaning that is  required now.  Could it be that it is because animals emanate a feeling of purity and unconditional love that must be the expression of something genuinely compassionate that is flowing through them?